Apologies for the glitches and sometimes poor timings in this video. I have HAD IT with my video editor pgm. I spent hours getting everything perfect and it plays beautifully in the editor, but the final output ends up like this. GAH!
Anyway, thanks to all who entered my contest; I look forward to doing it again in the Fall.
Congrats Josh! I will email you for a mailing address soon. You too RCT.
Yer Pal,

What a great video and song! I'll keep an eye out for a better entrant for next time, it's been fun Rantwick! Congrats to the winners too.
The important part is and I quote you, Mr Rantwick..."I look forward to doing it again in the Fall."
Thanks for the contest,
Way to go Josh!
Being a man of poor taste, I really enjoyed your video! I especially enjoyed the song. And Grumbear.
Vicki - Thanks, it has been my pleasure.
RL - Yeah, the smackdown will be back.
Big Oak - Poor taste? Grumbear is popular only with the most refined. Everybody else just trembles in fear.
Great video. In the unique Rantwick manner.
Congrats Josh! What a fine contest some great trees this time around -thanks Rantwick. Thanks everyone for the votes that propelled my tree to that hallowed spot the first loser!
Steve - Why, thank you.
Spectacular tree Josh. Congrats!
I am humbled that my trees earned such a sincere sound track. Thanks for all the hard work to put together such a fun contest.
Congrats Josh! :)
Only nine months for me to create a dozen new fake internet identities and start posting here to get street cred so I can use them to hijack the voting next time so the bottle of maple syrup will become mine! All mine!
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