Other people seem to like it too.They take it out to restaurants in Texas...
And use it in saluting stuff of mine they agree with...
I get a great deal of pleasure from people using my Rantwick head in creative ways. Except when it isn't Rantwick at all. My little guy has been demoted to "button" status once more. Not only that, but he is being used to call TV cooking show hottie Rachael Ray "mediocre" (if you can possibly believe it) in a poll found on an opinion site called sodahead.com. The site isn't really to my taste, but looks like it is pretty popular.

C'mon, man, mediocre is even spelled wrong! So sad. Chin up, little guy!
Yer Pal,

me·di·orce (mee-dee-orse, meh-di-orse) - noun
1. A divorce mediated by a third party.
2. A divorce caused by medical concerns or issues.
3. A divorce conducted during the Middle Ages in Europe, usually characterized by the killing of one of the betrothed.
4. A divorce caused by inappropriate spousal behaviour at a Medieval Times dinner and show.
5. The divorce of married doctors, usually characterized by lawyers making tons of money.
6. A misspelling of the adjective "mediocre".