If you have seen this post already, scroll to the end of it for pictorial Mo updates!
I hope some other Fatty (Fat Cyclist) fan doesn't get mad at me because they were "Team Fatty" in some other event, but after reading Fatty's post about Movember and being unable to join his team, I have started Team Fatty Canada, with the blessings of Fatty himself.
So, all you Canucks, if you were in the same boat as me, you can join Team Fatty Canada and start raising money for men's health. In registering for this event I was forced to part with my REAL NAME, since I didn't want to gum up something charitable by using an alias. If you visit my donation page just to get a peek at my full name, please be cool and at least donate something so I feel like it was worth it.
Here's a quick rundown of the whole thing:
So, visit my donation page and support Men's health in Canada. If you are Canadian, join Team Fatty Canada and start growing your Mo and collecting donations yourself! I didn't shave this morning, so I've got one day of feeble growth as a start.
Mrs. Rantwick is going to Love and Hate this...

Definitely not "me"... but that's the point!

Hmmm. Not sure about this.
Greys in the Mo. Ah well, fewer than up top, anyway.

So, do you have to shave off your beard and ONLY grow a stach? OMG, I will look like a 1970's porn star.
I don't really know what's required by Movember law... but, yeah, get rad with the facial hair, baby!
I'm already signed up solo. Or So Low I like to call it. Sorry, Rantwick.
Psycle - you're signed up, that's what counts! No sorries required, man.
I saw something today. It was a demonstration on how to put a bike on an LTC bus. Was that Winter I saw on the front of the bus. That bike looked familiar.
Rollz - Winter was in a news clip about bike racks, and Summer was in the instructional video. Now shush, you're gonna blow my cover.
let it grow, let it grow, let it grow!
peace :)
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