Over the past few days I've been intentionally slipping on maintaining my anonymity. It all started with my Movember fundraising efforts. Then I signed up for the evil facebook using my real name to promote that event to my friends. So, after about a year of actively hiding my name from everybody, it is now pretty findable for anyone who cares to know it. Since I really like my little squinty-eyed alter-ego, I have every intention of continuing to publish this blog as RANTWICK and to keep pictures of my ugly mug off the Internet as much as possible.
One nice thing about loosening up a bit is that I can now engage in shameless self promotion of new kinds! I play and sing in an Acoustic Guitar Duo called Dog's Breakfast here in London Ontario:

Yer Pal,

Ohhhhhhh! I wish it wasn't so far away! Perhaps some day...
Congrats for coming out of the closet. Well sort of.
Keri - Yeah, I keep saying that about Fla. and Texas... perhaps some day! Thanks very very much for your Monation!
360 - Well thank you. It is kind of liberating.
It's about time!
Chris Luty
You will always be "dear Rantwick" to me.
Your anonymity is safe with me, I don't care who you are. ;)
The less I know the less I have to lie about in court.
Who's Rantwick? Sounds a lot like "Where's Waldo" to me. "Dear Rantwick" sounds like an advice column. Maybe it ought to be just plain "Rantwick." There IS only one, after all.
I love the photo. Reminds me of home. We have a mangy hound that gets on top of the table too. Keep on singin' (or howlin').
I'm with Marrock.... I don't really care who you are. In fact, I would feel much more comfortable with the whole situation if the Dog's Breakfast picture looked more like this.
Can I get my money back? I liked rantwick better than you.
I wish I could come to see you play I can't tonight but keep us posted for future dates as I want to go.
ChipSeal - that's cool with me.
Marrock - you're my kind of dude.
Steve - Plain Rantwick works fine, I agree.
Big Oak - It starts with singing, with howling by the end.
Doohickie - I strongly considered doing that myself. Nice!
Rollz - I'll refund every penny, and continue to publicize gigs as requested, thanks for wanting to come out!
How about, "Yo! 'Twick!"
Cafiend - um, no.
No offense. I fracture syllabication, such as with the actor, Huge Ackman.
You couldn't give offense around here if you tried. Keep up the fracturification.
you get some good eats, rantwick !
keep on rockin'
peace :)
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