UPDATE: When challenged over his sidewalk riding behaviour in the comments section for that video, Roman Mica wrote the following:
romanmica // Sep 1, 2009
Sorry you guys are correct. Riding a bike on the road in traffic is much safer because car is slim 4000 pounds of metal and a bike is a massive 20 pounds of carbon fiber....plus I do have a helmet and as much lycra as I can wear to protect me from all the drivers who are texting, talking, eating, drinking, reading, putting on make-up, drunk driving or just not paying attention.
I mean you never hear about a fatal car vs. bike accidents, but the news is full deadly bike vs. granny with poodle collisions. Sorry, what was I ever thinking!
Roman Mica is also a Tri guy. You know how sometimes it feels like other cyclists are giving you a bad name? I wonder how most triathletes feel about this dude?

Triathlete. THAT explains it all!
Now, now Steve. Different strokes...
that's seriously weak. pulling an attitude when mistakes are pointed out- makes me angry.
I'm going to start walking in the street so I don't have to deal with doofwads riding electric bikes, with a camera in one hand, and an iced tea in the other.
Take solace, mates. I bet he has to replace rims on a regular basis, what with running over all those curbs, kids, old people with walkers, etc. That's gotta get expensive.
I can't take another wingnut right now.
The on the sidewalk argument isn't without merits. Sure, you aren't supposed to do it, and for sure you have to be careful at intersections (don't you have to anyway?), but it still puts a barrier between you and the cars. In certain circumstances, it most definitely is safer.
Bryan - We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. It is an extremely rare instance where the sidewalk is more safe. That opinion is based on long experience and the knowledgable opinions and research of a great many cycling people.
Regardless, what this guy did was extraordinarily dangerous to everyone around him.
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