About a month ago I posted some video of being passed too closely while crossing some train tracks. Thanks to some experimentation and some good advice on how to ride that section of my commute in the comments, I believe I have arrived at the best way to handle them.
Well before that, in the comments on a different video scenario regarding using the big streets and the controls offered by big intersections, my online friend Keri of Commute Orlando said I was "becoming quite the educator"! I thought that was pretty cool of her to say, and it has inspired me to educate some more, the RANTWICK way...
Despite the silly aspects of that video, it remains perfectly true that zigzagging hard and signaling to the cars behind me has made that crossing way less dicey. Thanks for your input on the other post, everyone.
Woot, Woot! Grrr... Ayeeee!

Greta video! Now that I know there's a benefit, I'm really going to work on the crazy angle!
You rock!
I really don't ever have to cross more than one set of tracks as I go about, but good to see how to take multiple sets of tracks.
Good video Rantwick.
The only accident I ever had that damaged a bike was crossing train tracks. Rantwick's advice may save your bike, and you will be safer as well.
I am VERY disappointed, however, that he didn't use "The Chicken Dance" as background music...
Rantwick, you always brighten my day, you idiotic genius!
Jeff - Bring on the crazy. Something tells me you were just waiting for an excuse.
Keri - Thanks, you too!
Kevin - Yeah, I guess few people cross near a train yard... I'm glad you liked it.
Steve - Thanks for the affirmation. Sadly, the Chicken Dance is copyrighted material, or at least that will always be my excuse, true or not.
Doohickie - The fact that my idiocy can fall into anyone's genius category gives me great joy, since it will have its way with me regardless. Thanks!
that's a lot of fun and information, packaged in a entertaining video! great job dude!
peace :)
Hey, thanks Chandra!
I cross train tracks all the time, and I don't understand what the zig zagging is all about.
I this video some sort of sarcasm that just went over my head?
Bryan, the zigzag is necessary to cross the tracks at a right angle, which is most safe. Depending on how angled the tracks are, you could zigzag more or less. Often it isn't strictly necessary, but its a good habit particularly if you ride with skinny wheels, or are crossing in the rain.
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