Hey all, sorry I vanished for a while without saying goodbye. The Rantwick clan went on an adventure. Most of those memories I plan to hoard for myself rather than broadcasting them here. I will tell you I was well off the grid, with no access to the Internet. I missed this stuff, but not the work stuff.
I have a tendency to keep working when I am supposed to be relaxing, so being unable to check in was very good for my brain. I experienced a blissed out feeling represented well by this guy, who was obviously enjoying a nice moment, at least until I announced my stupid presence:
Alas, we got bills to pay and thankfully employers who appear willing to help us do it, so we're getting back to normal now.
I hope to post way more often again in the coming months, but I'm not entirely sure I want to do the Autumn Tree Smackdown again. What do you think? Would you be disappointed, or is it time to retire that thing? Let me know.
Yer Pal,

Shame on you! No ringy dingy before announcing your presence? Poor guy must've had a heart attack...
I ain't got no ringy dingy. My voice is my ringy dingy. I wasn't very close when I said something (the video is zoomed in so you can see his arms better).
OK...How can that not be funny? That is great.
Thanks for sharing,
rlove - why thank you, I thought so too.
Wow. He was NOT happy. I'm used to getting the stink eye from pedestrians on the multi-use path I have been incorporating into my commutes in various ways, and occasional glares from oncoming cyclists who clearly wish I did not exist, but no spontaneous profanity. If the guy wanted to be sure of solitude he should have found a really inaccessible place.
Cafiend - Thankfully has not actually angry as far as I could tell. I, um, embellished a little during video production with the profanity bit.
I've heard, riding your bike with no handlebars can lead to ruling the world. Way to shut him down. =)LOL here is a tune I think would go good with your video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLUX0y4EptA
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