I have written an "About The Author" page with pictures of my real face on it for those of you who are brave enough to look. I was growing tired of being half-cagey about who I was and figured if people were nice enough to come and read my stuff, the least I could do was look 'em in the eye.
The "About The Author" link under my profile links will get you there if you wanna take a peek. No time for anything new or interesting today, but I'll see what I can rustle up over the next few days.
Yer Pal,

PS - New domain name, new banner, new outgoing attitude? I think this has mid-life crisis written all over it.
Officially, I'll be "out there" later today. As in Timmyland. Looks like the frozen north thawed out too early to ski this week...
Steve - The frozen north failed to freeze most of this winter...
Tracy - You OK, man? Can I get you an anonymous squinty face or something?
I've taken Tracy's eloquent feedback to heart. For those who would rather stick with squinty grey man, you will only have your bubble burst if you follow the "About The Author" link.
I have always intended to keep using the RANTWICK persona on the main blog.
What!!? I thought that squinty eyed grey man was you this whole time.
I forget when I did this but it has been several years ago (however long several is). Trying to protect my privacy and anonymity came to be a pain in the ass. I was not ashamed of who I was or who I became. Those shameful things I did I tried to fix the best I could but I don't deny them. Pretty hard to blackmail someone who will 'fess up.
The more up front I have become the freer I have become.
Now that the ladies know what you look like they are going to be after you. It didn't work that way for me but after all I am old and women in my age group pretty much know men for what they are.
RCT - Yeah, me too. Those photos shocked the shit out of me.
Old Fool - Agreed, anonymity is a pain in the ass. Ladies? Hah! You are too kind.
I have been following for a while...Surprised. I don't know why.
rlove - Yeah, I know you! Are you surprised I "came out" or surprised at what I look like?
Ahhhhh! Just kidding. :)
Here in NH Loon and Waterville Valley ski areas are making snow tonight. Wildcat and Bretton Woods plan to reopen for the weekend. The cold weather has returned. Not real cold, but cold enough in the mountains and at night to dispel the illusion of spring, let alone summer.
The helmet cam front view looks like a bike cop. If you want a less conspicuous camera, get a Contour. They're more tubular.
Carolyn - It's OK, I look at those pictures and think the same thing.
Cafiend - yeah, it is dropping off enough to make snow here too. Current temp 0C/32F.
I can't invest in another camera! Looking like a cop has its benefits, at least.
I like your Rantwick Shirt. I'm going to get a Squirrelgal one made up for this Summer's Trip. With my log on it, of course!
Log? Geesh, I can't spell tonight. Logo.
Hey, thanks! That shirt is a one-of-a-kind inkjet printer special... it is already starting to peel away and crack.
I want to get some real ones made up just like it though.
It was COLD this morning! Besides, many of us have long known Rantwick for what he is - and THAT could mean many different things. Did I mention I enjoy your blog?
Steve - COLD? It was -4 C when I rode to work. Lovely.
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