Fabric stores seem to have a knack for advertising that is awful yet intrigues me. A while ago I went on about Frabricland and their outstanding minimalist jingle, which has come to take up scarce space in my feeble brain, which I must say I resent. A fabric store ad has once again spurred me to write something here.
One thing most people (other than rappers) can sense deep in their social bones is that they should not rap. Or, even if they don't have such a sense, cautionary sitcom scenes like this abound:
One thing most people (other than rappers) can sense deep in their social bones is that they should not rap. Or, even if they don't have such a sense, cautionary sitcom scenes like this abound:
Now, call me crazy, but I can't think of any business less suited to a rap jingle than a fabric store, and this one is done by a couple of fabric ladies. Brace yourself, because this is the part that may feel like a bit of an assault on your mind or tastes. You know what is coming. I will leave a bunch of spaces in this post now as an attempt to offer an "exit ramp" of sorts. If you scroll down and watch the video, you may never be the same. You have been warned.
Well, if you're reading this, you have probably seen the video. This commercial is currently airing here in London Ontario. Scrap bookin' ? Rug Hookin' ? Oh man. I warned you. I am disturbed and fascinated by this commercial. What were they thinking? How could they? How will their children or grandchildren survive this? So many questions, starting with Why? Why? Why?
Yer Pal,

I watched it with no sound and it still sounded (and looked!) AWFUL !
Actually, the ad may have been funded by the Husbands-Of-Quilters-And-Those-Who's-Wives-Sew as a way of turning off shopping and thus keeping the hard-earned Green bills (and the blue and purple bills) safely stowed in the wallets, instead of being spent! I've seen these husbands many times.. they just don't understand!
What up yo!
Da sexy mamas is dope!
My brain is further damaged.
Perhaps, we should simply avoid such commercials!
Almost bad enough to be good?
What has been seen can never be unseen ... AUUUGHH!H!!HHH!!11!!
Also, yes, I do wonder how their grandkids are taking it. They look just about the right age to have grandkids in middle school. Worst possible age to have a rappin' grandma.
Now they'll only have themselves to blame some time down the line when those grandkids are 37, unmarried, and living in their basements...
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