For those of you who might prefer my online visage, it translates to this:

Pasting that hair onto my Rantwick face was really fun, so fun that I thought I would try it some more. How about dinosaur head Prime Minister Stephen Harper?

Or Nicolas Cage?

Or, (I hope he will forgive me) Chandra of GreenComotion?

I did about ten of these, but then thought to myself, "self, why not give the tools to others and see what happens? You know, give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Give a man an image file to paste onto people, and he wastes a lifetime..." And so, you will find below a link to the dinosaur head cutout, in png format, which was one of the only ones that allowed me to keep the non-hair bits transparent. The file is pretty big, so that's why link instead of pic. Just right-click and choose Save Target As... in Windows, or do the similar for Mac (I don't know the exact language). Anyone who is so inclined should download it and paste it onto whoever they want. If you send me the finished product, I will post it ASAP and, of course, credit the creator. I've got a bad feeling no one will bother, but that's OK; nothing ventured, right?
Dinohead PNG file (1 MB)
Thanks for reading,

Chandra's pic had me LOL. Clearly, it must be Monday in Rantwick Land.
You never know, you might start a new hari style trend.
Steve A - Rantwick Land! What a bizarre theme park that would be...
CS - I would have to allow the helmet head to stay after getting out of my cycling stuff, and I'm simply not brave enough to be that kind of trend-setter! Thanks for swinging by.
I fear that dear Rantwick has started yet another round of "body parts blog entries"! I will be approaching my computer with some trepidation for a while, now.
No doubt that is a fair weather hair phenomena, eh Rantwick?
Your dino-hair looks very aerodynamic. You may want to patent that. Could be a new line of helmets.
Today was a long tiring day and you made me laugh. Thanks for that!
I keep my hair super short or just shave it off from time to time so I do not have helmet head.
Peace :)
Chipseal - have no fear, just a little forehead action.
Chandra! I've been waiting to see if you would be mad at me! I'm so pleased my perception of you was correct, and you enjoyed it instead. Keep that hair short, baby, you've just gotten a vision of the potential consequences...
Nice. Stephen Harper totally got me. And well, I could pretty much kill days by playing around with hairstyles.
Take care.
Dinosaur head, that's awesome... Never thought of it that way, but totally true!
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