This blog is the closest thing I've ever had to a journal, so here's something I just wanted to jot down. Yesterday my kids and I were out walking the dog, who was misbehaving in his puppyish way, when my 8 year old son found a penny on the sidewalk. I told him the old expression "find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck". Being an 8 year old boy, he managed to drop the penny about 5 steps later. His sister helped him look for it, but it wasn't to be found, and the dog was making it hard to stick around. I told him to leave it, and that at least having picked it up he would still get the good luck part. He promptly replied, "Dad, if I had gotten the good luck, I would have found it again".
Yer Pal,

Odd, while up in Seattle I picked up a Canadian penny as change. Not unusual in border states. However, it's different in Texas where they sneer at that "furrin" money. The cafeteria rejected my penny and substituted one from the tray. This was even. better - the money worked without getting actually used.
I'd begun to fear I'd have to move to BC to spend the thing when I noticed it was gone! Presuming I didn't get some poor cashier fired, perhaps it quickly made it's way back north where your son found it. Ask him if he licked it (prev Rantwick post) to see if it had remnants of BBQ on it.
Licked it? I don't remember that one...
Bruce told us that at one point he'd been going slow enough to see a quarter on the road, so he stopped and picked it up. I told him that I had dropped a quarter today. He told me if I could tell him what year it was, I could have it. After a quick calculation...not too old, not too new, I said "1987". His jaw dropped and with disbelief he handed me my lucky quarter!
crmbt-montrose to gunnison
So soon they forget...
Jeff - sweet!
Steve - oh yeah! I'm glad somebody is paying attention.
I didn't know there was Canadian penny discrimination in Texas, makes sense I suppose, except pennies are potentially worthless on either side of the border. I, however, keep out American change, and use it on the US side for 10% boost of my pocket change.
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