It is a testament to how little I have been on the blog that you are about to see video from last winter. Better late than never, I guess!
I have no observations to make on this. People hate reading stuff anyway, so we should be all good.
Yer Pal,

Holy crap! You'd think that after 100 years or so, drivers would have a grip on how to drive. SMH
The people themselves are not 100 years old. They're impatient monkeys bent on their own errands with tunnel vision through the windshield. Spend much time driving a car and you can find yourself falling into that mentality along with everyone else. One more reason that driver license requirements should include a sizable number of ours using a bike for transportation before a motor vehicle license is issued. It would also be a good idea to require refreshers of that cycling period as part of license renewal.
I don't know... I ride a bike and I believe it does indeed make me a better driver, but I can't say I never make a bonehead move at the wheel. Thankfully I haven't had a driving mishap in many years, knock on wood!
I make more boneheaded maneuvers the further I get into driving season. The motorist mentality takes over. Bicycling doesn't automatically create mellower drivers, but it does expose a person to the life of a vulnerable road user. If someone wants to learn to pass cyclists the right way, what better classroom than on a bike, seeing how it should and should not be done?
Good job on the lack of mishaps. Part skill, part luck. Mostly luck, for me.
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