As some of you may know, my summer commuter (named Summer) is a fixed gear. Way back when I did a post about the unhip nature of its setup.
I had a nice ride in downtown traffic on that bike a few days ago. Upon reviewing the video, I realized I had now also made the antithesis of one of those exciting fixed gear films from places like New York.
Taking all the cool and/or hip out of a downtown fixed gear video is much easier than you might think: It is a simple matter of substitution!

When I went ahead and made the requisite substitutions, I got this:
I hope I am now firmly established as the most publicly lame fixed gear weirdo in North America. When I showed that video to the rest of the Rantwick clan, they just shook their heads. I don't blame them. I don't know why I do such things.

Logo from my friends in the cool new indie band called "Evil Peace" You should follow the link and check them out.
Logo from my friends in the cool new indie band called "Evil Peace" You should follow the link and check them out.
Thanks! You made my Monday!
Any time, Keri.
Love da music mon ami!
Paz :)
My ears hurt a little............from my thunderous applause.
That was great!
You guys all need your heads checked. Oh, and thanks!
I was on the edge of my seat!
Correction: Best fixie video ever :-)
Great! Nice music. It DOES make me want to try it!
Thanks! Mighk, you might wanna get out more. Also, stay away from roller coasters.
I shook my head probably like your family did while laughing and enjoying it thoroughly. I DO want to try a fixed gear now!
Fixed gear is something I've not gotten around to yet. I'll give it a try someday. It seems like fun for short rides.
btw nice edit. You got a cool Arlo Guthrie Alice's Restaurant vibe going on there.
i can't believe that went on for five minutes.
i can't believe i watched the whole thing.
You're all just lucky I chose the short version rather than the extended dance mix featuring Me on wind chimes and slide whistle.
So you come right back from a long hiatus and I'm ready to berate you about it, but then you immediately redeem yourself with this. Impressive! I love all the footage of you waiting patiently in line. And when you started singing about how much more fun it is when everyone waits their turn ... I just about lost it. But the best was when the guy on the skateboard passed you. That was SICK and EPIC and all that other stuff the cool fixie kids say. I'm gonna go drink a PBR.
You revealed Batman's secret identity O_O!! And I was worried when you passed that bus that you were gonna get squashed, thank goodness all went well! Nice video & bike though! Bonus points ifyou were dressed like the skateboarder. Can't wait for the extended director's cut!
That was pure awesome:)
Apertome - Thanks Man! Skateboarder pass really did make me feel like a wuss.
Anon - Batman was a really nice dude. The cam makes things look closer than they are sometimes... I wasn't a bit worried at any point in that ride.
Christopheru - sheesh. Thanks. I am coming to realize that the more goofy I get, the more people like it.
So where can I purchase the DVD?
Finally, a fixed gear video that I can relate to. Maybe you could consider a rural setting for the sequel.
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