Response to the First Annual Rantwick Autumn Tree Smackdown (FARATS) has been very good so far. There are rumblings from all over that make me fear for The King. Correspondence from many of you, including this disturbingly beautiful non-entry (because there are so many trees and it is from last Fall) from Corey all make me wonder if my best tree is going to hold up.

Despite all of this, the King seemed quite unconcerned this morning:

I'm still percolating on what to select for the prize. I don't want to use Canadian Tire money again, but I'm finding it hard to come up with something nearly valueless yet worth receiving.
Keep your eyes peeled and cameras ready. I would suggest holding off on making an entry until you feel confident you have taken what will be your best shot of the season. When you are ready to submit, please make it clear that this is your official entry and not just a warning shot to strike fear into my heart.
When taking pictures of The King on my way into work this morning, I couldn't resist a gratuitous pic of my bike hangin' with The King:

Yer Pal,

Those photos of "the King" might as well be of oak trees for all the color exhibited...
That's right, you just keep talkin', Texan.
Alas, we have only the barest hints of fall color thus far, here in Louisville ... it would appear that Autumn is on backorder, or lost in the mail. The projected high tomorrow is 95 F. Glargh.
I'm definitely looking forward to the foliage smackdown, even if our local trees might choose to sit it out this year.
Koko - The cutoff for entries is set way out at Dec 15, so no worries. Your trees will come through, I know it.
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