Has anybody else found the security "word verification" words funny or strangely well suited to your comment or the post's content sometimes? I certainly have, and it has inspired me to try something...
Some of my more regular commenters may have noticed that I have turned CAPTCHAs back on. It's not for security reasons, it's so that I can run a CAPTCHA contest! I don't know if somebody else has done this before, so I am going to assume this is my very own invention until proven otherwise. Unless it sucks. Then somebody else thought it up.
Please comment on this post, but before hitting the "Publish" button, type the CAPTCHA you have been presented with in the comment box, enclosed in square brackets (eg: [monkey]) and then the appropriate word verification space. The brackets are just to clearly identify your captcha for me, since people somtimes just type weird things for no reason at all.
I will collect comment CAPTCHAs (on this post only) until midnight (Pacific Time) on Wednesday, July 15. Then, I will assemble the entries into an online poll that will go up on Monday, July 20, and we can all vote for the one we think is funniest. The poll will remain open for ten days, and the winner will be formally announced soon after the poll has closed.
Obviously, this whole thing will have to be based on the honour system. Every visitor to the poll, entrant or not, is permitted one vote only. Every entrant is permitted only one [CAPTCHA] comment on this post. Don't make up fake captchas; you have to live with the captcha you were dealt. If you are lame enough to cheat on a potentially very boring contest that has no prize other than something stupid and of no monetary value that I will dream up later, I and every other participant thinks you just plain suck. Go away; you're not welcome on RANTWICK.
Blog Authors are not presented with comment captchas on their own blogs, so I won't be one of the entrants.
If I have just confused the hell out of you, please ask for clarifications with a comment that does not contain a [square bracketed] contest entry...
Good luck to us all, this may be fun but may also be an utter failure! Yeehaw! I can't wait to see which!

LOL! For some reason, the pure silliness of this has a weird appeal to me!
I am also sure you were speaking of me when you said; "...since people sometimes just type weird things for no reason at all."
Some have said that is the quality of my posts! Banana.
As to the prize, I am confused. Tidily winks. Do Canadians manufacture tires or do they just manufacture coupons for tires sold at Canadian Tire outlets? Soundtrack.
Now that I have taken so long writing this comment, my first CAPTCHA word -derscabi- has expired. Shower. The one needed to pass is [bingsh]
I suspect bingsh is a real word in another language, and it is most often uttered when you stub your toe. Anthropic.
As I was curious, pressing the handicap sign produces an audio verification , but it was a number!(301201)
Wow, this sounds like an idea that has come about from far too much time spent online. However, I do like it.
Interesting idea. [fericti]
At first it was [poroljd], but then it changed to [reingate]. The captchas that I love are ones that I can't even come close to deciphering what they say.
Ahh, and I know my "second" comment doesn't count, but the [theshict] that came up next is funny...
[spipbra] you are weirdly funny.
Almost appropriate for a cycling blog. Maybe not all the time with one gear I guess.
It'll leave you flat...
We have a winner!
Steve A - you did not use [square brackets] and are disqualified.
Just kidding.
I love the way you are fascinated by things most people tune out. It's cool.
Funny, the thought that Rantwick designs red tape for a living never occurred to me - before tonight.
Also, suddenly wanting to hear the handicap sign audio, I clicked on it - all I got was something trying to update real network.
Aww man! Is anyone else getting really good captchas elsewhere, but not on this one?
I've started [square bracketing] my captchas on other sites just for kicks... I figure people can't think I'm any weirder at this point...
What a stupid, gratuitous way to bump up your comment count! Why didn't I think of it first?
I'm just preventing the next guy from getting this one which is better than my official entry!
Nya nya nyaaa!
Ain't contests great?
Doohickie - I am saddened that you think me such cold, calculating comment collector. I have an alliteration problem posing purely painful progress! I don't have time for mad mechanizations made mainly for managing many messages!
I wasn't going to post, but how could I turn down:
[ Speethri ]!
Come on, am I the only one who sees "Peershit" there?
In any case, nicely done blog, RW.
KV is King - I think speethri stands on its own merit, and perhaps you are the only one who sees peershit.
Thanks for commenting!
Not sure about that prize, but I'm in.
Ooh! Ooh! {ingess}{belest}
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