Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm All Good

Crabbiness overcame me yesterday. I'm not going to apologize for it, since what I wrote remains true. However, I was taking things a little too seriously. I mean, I have a loving family, a good job, a bike, a car and several personal interests (including this blog) that I find really enjoyable. One of my brothers has a great expression that grounds me real quick: my problems are First World problems. I won't try to explain that, because thankfully Rantwick readers are real smart, like genius monkeys on intelli-crack smart.
You know, it's not like I have a toddler on a leash who falls down and causes me to lightly kick my dog at the end of a tiring and dreary winter day:
Poor woman. I hope and trust that she has had many enjoyable moments since that one.

It is still Summer, my toddlers (one of which could have used a leash) are awesome almost full grown people and my dog says I Love You pretty reliably when I get home each day. I'm all good. 
Yer Pal,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sick and Tired

I recently mentioned that I had contacted a local cycling group and was going to get involved. Well here's the flip flop. Forget that, man. This has does nothing to do with the group in question, but that little notion has no appeal to me once again.
Cycling advocates, aficionados and chronic debaters have just worn me out. I have only myself to blame, having waded in and out of those waters repeatedly over the last several years. I do care about such things, but sadly it would seem I have little tolerance for people, specifically groups of people.
Many of the blogs and websites I read are written by people who make sense to me. That is natural, of course. Nonetheless, the back and forth, push and pull of the conversations in the comments, usually interspersed with the exclamations of idiots and the rantings of crackpots, has lost its interest. I used to find it entertaining and engaging. Now (or perhaps more accurately, today) I have had enough.
It is totally fair to call me a hypocrite or egomaniac at this point. The irony of my writing a "cycling" blog and hoping people will read it while complaining about everyone else expressing themselves about cycling on the Internet is not lost on me. See, I'm part of the problem, just one of the millions of selfish children out here screaming "watch me dive" to the world and expecting people to do just that, no matter what is going on around us.
I'm going to keep writing and I hope you keep reading. If my posts get weirder or sillier, don't be surprised; I may be trying to make my blog content impervious to serious discussion for the next little while.
Yer Crusty Pal,