Showing posts with label selfishness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label selfishness. Show all posts

Monday, March 4, 2013

Passing. On Liebster.

Steve A of DFW Point-to-Point was kind enough to nominate me for a Liebster award, a kind of "I really enjoy your blog" chain letter post thing that bloggers give one another. I really appreciate the thought, but there is a problem.
Most of the blogs I would "nominate" have already been listed for Liebsters by others before me. Plus, one of the things you have to do is list 11 facts about yourself. Then, you're supposed to answer 11 questions supplied by the nominating blogger. Also, you're supposed to produce a list of questions for your nominees to answer.
When I tried to get started, this is what happened:
11 facts about me:
1) I am lazy.
2) I am selfish.
3) Ach du lieber Liebster, I don't feel like doing any more.
I sure hope I'm not hurting Steve's feelings by being like this; he has been reading my stuff ever since I started, or close to it. I like reading his stuff too. But I'm lazy. And selfish.
Yer Buzz Killin`Pal,

PS - I am quite fascinated by how bad this post is making me feel. That`s the creepy power of the personally relevant chain letter, man. Crazy. I`m gonna publish before I lose my nerve...