I am completely unfamiliar with organized competitive cycling of any kind. I don't even ride in a group, ever. Don't pity me though. For me, the solitude is part of what makes a bike ride beautiful. Commutes, even. Like some other commuters, however, I am afraid I'm a bit of a Cat 6 racer.
I had to research a little bit about competitive cycling in order to explain that label here. The short version is that real bicycle racers compete in Categories based on their skill level. Category 1 is for elite cyclists who compete at the National and International level. Category 5 for men and 4 for women is where beginners at racing do their thing. "Cat 6" is not a real category. It is used as a euphemism for the informal racing that people on the street or path sometimes engage in, often spontaneously. I am a Cat 6 racer and I am AWESOME. Check this out:

Now THAT was funny. I would challenge you for your Cat 6 title but alas, I have no video capabilities. At least you slowed at the stop sign this time around. ;)
Good chuckle:) My favourite thing to chase down has to be e-bikes though... Much fun to be had there!
I have temporarily given up Cat 6 status, though it may be hard to tell sice the heat is keeping the wimps off the road and even many of the Cat 7 types.
A question: "younger than you" wouldn't seem to narrow things down too seriously. As Mrs Rantwick would confirm, quality trumps simple youth.
RANTWICK: soul-crushing bicycle commuter of the northern roads.
Thanks for your comments everybody!
Steve - Um, Mrs Rantwick is 22.
Ok, 22 in my mind. In there.
Man, you SMOKED those suckers. Well done. The adrenaline was just too much for me to handle, though, I'm shaking after watching that.
This is like "Top Gear" for Bicycles! - LOVED IT.
Impressive riding! Impressive humor! :)
Tim, Ben: Thank you kindly!
I remember you... In my rear mirror that is. I was one of those Cat 7 riders, left you for dust with the humble pie. Were you not ashamed to go home.
Seriously you are my new role model. Andmaybe when my wife sees your video she will finally get it; instead of telling me I'm a loser for competing.
Anon 6:23 - Hey, anything I can do to help.
Great video. I had the sound off ('cuz I'm at the office) and had to stifle my laughter so as to not attract any attention to myself.
Kenny - Thanks very much. If I can cause laughter stifling for even one person, it has been worth it.
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