Monday, February 28, 2011

March Break

Since I have been too busy to post or even read anything bike related online lately, I thought I would make it official and take a little hiatus from writing here while I catch up with my real life.

I am going to take a true March Break, like for the whole month of March. If you are a regular visitor, I fully expect that you will find the break as refreshing as I do. I hope it isn't too refreshing, like never come back refreshing, but that is a risk I will just have to take.

Spring approaches! Ride your bikes all over the place! Enjoy some Maple Syrup!

Yer Pal,

PS - This post from RTP means I can take my break worry-free because the FARATS prizes have all arrived at their destinations. Thanks all who participated. I look forward to the SARATS this Fall. This time, a single Grand Prize will be awarded based on a new and super-creative judging method!